Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Off the grid

After a few days off the grid with out access to the internet, I am grateful for the ability to be on when I am able.

Monday, I spent the entire day with Meda and her water engineers who traveled to four different communities to finish up boreholes there. Each borehole has the capacity to service at least 500 adults some who are currently walking great distances to port water from a watering hole or stream that isn't drinkable. They are grateful to African Assistance Plan in partnership with Living Water for the opportunity to host a borehole in their area(s).

Sunday, I went with the team to a village who had applied to AAP for a borehole to be drilled in their community and were told that their application was accepted. I sat with the elders and committee members, some who are women, who will be responsible for the maintenance of the borehole and listened to their stories. They are excited for what this means to their community and especially their children who are exposed to various diseases from drinking the unclean water they are currently drinking.
Their current water source.

An existing borehole.
Notice it is mostly girls who are sent to draw water.

Tomorrow, next stop is Sunyani and some MF interviews!

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